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영어/Business English

#105 Socializing 2 Key Word How is ___ treating you? How is work treating you? How is life treating you? How is London treating you? We were wondering if you___. I am wondering~ 패턴보다 공손하게 요청하거나 묻는 뉘앙스 https://blog.naver.com/saraenglish-333/223172808171 We were wondering if you had plans next Friday. 다음 주 금요일 계획이 있는 지 궁금하다. I’ll keep you posted___. I'll keep you posted if there are any changes I'll keep you posted ..
#104 Socializing 1 Key Word catch up on: do something that you have not been able to do recently. ~을 따라잡다. 밀린 일 등을 따라잡을 때도 쓰임 She is catching up on her studies after being sick. He needs to catch up on the work he missed while on vacation. I need to catch up on my sleep this weekend. brief someone on: tell someone key information about someone or something, often an issue or situation Can you brief me on what happ..
#103 Meeting New People 2 Key Word play a factor: 작용하다. 역할을 하다. Does age play a factor when greeting colleagues? Feedback Original: We think it is very rude to wave hand to the people at work. Better: We think it is very rude to wave at people at work. Original: I prepared special meal for family. Better: I prepared a special meal for family. Original: I do both of them, sometimes I will bow to the new people, or sometim..
#102 Meeting New People 1 Key Word extensive experience: covers a wide range of experience He has extensive experience in teaching American Literature. bottom line: profits or losses, as of a business, 최종 결산 결과, 핵심, 요점 Our bottom line has tripled from strong sales this year. target demographics: the parameters which are used in segmenting the targeted audience into more specific groups the parameters which are used in se..
#101 Body Language Across Cultures 2 Key Word bring to the table: what one can offer or provide I am happy to have Kevin join our team. He really has a lot to bring to the table. earth-shattering news: news of enormous importance or consequence. 세상이 깜짝 놀랄 뉴스 Hearing that our partners were pulling out of the project was earth-shattering news. draw the line: reasonably object to something or set a limit We really need to draw the lin..
#100 Body Language Across Cultures 1 Key Word offensive: unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed. 불쾌한, 역겨운 She got irritated because of his offensive language. by accident: difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination. 부주의로, 우연히 She deleted the file by accident, so she has to work on it again. spouse: 배우자 I didn’t intend to... I didn’t intend to offend you. I didn't intend to cause co..
#99 Expatriate Employees 2 Key Word transition: the process of changing, or a change from one form or condition to another We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one. marital status: the fact of someone being married or not Could I ask you about your marital status? break even: reach a point when profits equal costs I think with the new clients this quarter we will be able to break even. ..
#98 Expatriate Employees 1 Key Word expatriate(expat): someone who does not live in their own country There are several expatriate workers in our company. immigrant: a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently Some businesses employ illegal immigrants to save money. away from: If something is away from a person or place, it is at a distance from that person or place. Working abroad is d..
#97 Cross-cultural Business Etiquette 2 Key Word diverse: including many different types of people or things Being familiar with diverse cultures will come in handy during business trips. come in handy: 쓸모가 있다. 도움이 되다. fall through the cracks: get lost or be forgotten. 부주의로 깜빡하다. I think that part of the report fell through the cracks. cut to the chase: skip of the unimportant details and deal with the main point. 바로 본론으로 들어가다. Let me..
#96 Cross-cultural Business Etiquette 1 Key Word carry out ~: do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do. 수행하다. We have to carry out this research over a six-month period. business card: a small card that has your name, company name, and the job you do printed on it. 명함 In some cultures, it is rude to hand out your business card using one hand. corporate card: 법인카드 hand out ~:..