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영어/Business English

#75 Presentation Know-how 1 Key Word look something over: examine or review something I am done with my report. Can you look it over? cluttered: having a large amount of confusing information, 산만한 Change the last slide of your presentation because it is a little cluttered. well-prepared: suitably prepared in advance You are well-prepared, so do not be nervous forecast: a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the ..
#74 Communication & Culture 2 Key Word month-long: of a month’s duration; lasting a month I have a month-long business trip to the USA. Westerner: a person who comes from a country in the western part of the world, especially North America or Western Europe I often interact with westerners at work. on the borderline: barely acceptable in quality Bill’s job performance is really on the borderline. He is lucky that he has not ..
#73 Communication & Culture 1 Key Word more or less: approximately; mostly; almost They are more or less done with the meeting. be aware of ~: know that something exists, have knowledge or experience of a particular thing As a new employee, she should be aware of the company’s policies. wave: a gesture made by moving one’s hand side to side as a way of greeting someone Give her a little wave and smile. Feedback Original: The..
#72 Telephoning & Note-Taking 2 Key Word the moment: as soon as Everything stops the moment she walks in the room. close a deal: reach an agreement with another party, thus concluding negotiations We need to move in a month, so how quickly can you close a deal? the bottom line: the final result or outcome Although the new marketing campaign seems to have minimal direct results, the bottom line is, we can expect profits in the ..
#71 Telephoning & Note-Taking 1 Key Word I work from home: 재택근무한다. sense of belonging: 소속감 arrange for ~: organize or plan something We have to cancel the conference call we have arranged for Wednesday. quite urgent: needing attention very soon, especially before anything else because it is important Jack is in need of a quite urgent operation. leave a message: you leave a message with the secretary, on the answering machine, ..
#70 Follow Up 2 Key Word host company: a company which provides facilities for and receives visitors to an event or business trip The people from the host company of my business trip are all kind. keep someone updated: keep someone informed on the progress of something I will keep you updated on our progress while you are out of the office. have a gut feeling: sense something instinctually without having absolu..
#69 Follow Up 1 Key Word hospitality: the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors The local people showed me great hospitality. settle in: begin to feel relaxed and happy in a new home or job It is not always easy for a new employee to settle in. I hope that you have gotten settled in after your visit to our offices. take the time: make the effort to do something Take the time to observe your..
#68 On the Site 2 Key Word break into: enter or open a (place, vehicle, or container) forcibly, typically for the purposes of theft Someone broke into my car and took my laptop. jump to conclusions: guess about a situation without knowing the facts Do not jump to conclusions about this. It is not what you think. The characters in the drama jump to conclusions and misunderstand each other. go broke: lose all of on..
#67 On the Site 1 Key Word turn something in: give or return something or someone to an authority ~을 돌려주다[반납하다] Someone has turned a briefcase in. Is this yours? tipping:the act of giving an amount of money to someone who has provided a service, especially in a hotel or restaurant In the States, tipping is common. I’ll get back to you...: 다시 전화 걸게. I'll get back to you on Monday. I'll get back to you at 2 o'clock..
#66 Traveling Information 2 Key Word ask for: request something We need to contact the financial manager to ask for an additional budget. have jet lag: tiredness or confusion after a long flight It has been three days since I arrived, but I still have jet lag. per diem: for each day. 출장 관련 용어. 일 때문에 여행을 가는 경우와 같이 경비로 누구에게 주어지는 금액 계산 시 사용 Per Diem for Meals 일일 식비 Per Diem for Incidentals 일일 부대비용 Per Diem allwoance 일일 경비 We ..