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#155 International Commerce 2 Key Word hazard: a source of danger; chance, risk When it comes to investments, research shows that women are more likely to weigh up potential hazards than their male counterparts. weigh up: 가늠하다. 따지다 intuitive: readily learned or understood As we enter new markets, it is more important than ever to make our products intuitive, so that people across cultures find them natural to use. backlash: ..
#154 International Commerce 1 Key Word window of opportunity: a brief time period in which an opportunity exists This year’s low-interest rate offered a window of opportunity to get easy credit and fund expansion. task force: a group of people working together to do a particular job, esp. to solve a problem The president’s task force was assigned to study the effect of higher tax rates on income mobility and federal revenue...
#153 Strategic Analysis 2 Key Word hone: make more effective, intense, or sharp/accurate Our interviewing techniques have been honed in order to help us pick exactly the right candidate. out-of-touch: lacking knowledge or information concerning current events and developments We never want to be out-of-touch with the market, but we also want to be ahead of the curve. demise: (기업, 기관, 사상의) 종말 epitomize: 완벽한 보기이다. 전형적으로 보여..
#152 Strategic Analysis 1 Key Word go around in circles: keep doing or talking about the same thing without achieving anything I need some more data to work on; otherwise, I am just going around in circles. childhood friend: 소꿉친구 kick-off meeting: gathering of interested parties to discuss a plan or strategy before launching a program or project. 회사 혹은 단체의 첫 공식적인 회의 The kick-off meeting involved both strengthening team t..
#151 Strategic Planning 2 Key Word savvy: having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness especially in practical matters (실용적인) 지식, 상식, 요령, 실력있는 shrewdness: 약삭빠른 She has a lot of marketing savvy. pre-emptive: taking initiative; doing something first 선수치는, 선제의 The Treasury decided to raise interest rates as a pre-emptive measure against inflation. Treasury: 재무부, 금고 interest rates: 금리 downside: negative aspect;..
#150 Strategic Planning 1 Key Word drill down on the data: a capability that takes the user from a more general view of the data to a more specific one First, we need to collect data from our customers. Then to assess its value, we need to drill down on the data to find future sales opportunities. scale-up operations: expand in terms of market access, income, number of employees, etc To reach more customers and create a ..
#149 Risk Management 2 Key Word fallout: the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event The fallout from the banking crisis has been global. avert: ward off; turn away or aside; blunt. 방지하다. 피하다. (위험, 말썽) 상황을 피하기 위해 구체적인 행동을 취하며 피하다 We tried to avert our thoughts from our massive financial problems. aftermath: something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate natur..
#148 Risk Management 1 Key Wordwinnow out: separate the useful or important people or things from the rest of a group. 옥석을 가려내다To make a wise choice, it is best to start broad and winnow out the inferior options. anemic demand: low point in the sales of a particular product; signs of poor demand; 부족한 수요A weak economy is characterized by anemic demand, among other factors. anemic: 빈혈의I'm animic. 나 빈혈있어요. trade embargo:..
#147 Monitoring & Feedback 2 Key Word exude: (of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly She exudes friendship and goodwill. gravitas: seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect. pitfall: an unexpected danger or difficulty He took financial advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of setting up your own bu..
#146 Monitoring & Feedback 1 Key Word common ground: an area of shared interests or opinions held by two or more people or groups. 공통점 When debating contentious issues, it is best to establish some common ground. contentious: 논쟁을 초래할 feed off the energy: gain strength, energy, or support from something. 긍정적인 에너지 뿐만 아니라 부정적인 에너지를 얻었을 때도 사용됨. People feed off the positive energy you give them. cut to the chase: get to the poin..