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영어/Business English

#146 Monitoring & Feedback 1

Key Word

common ground: an area of shared interests or opinions held by two or more people or groups. 공통점

When debating contentious issues, it is best to establish some common ground.

contentious: 논쟁을 초래할


feed off the energy: gain strength, energy, or support from something. 긍정적인 에너지 뿐만 아니라 부정적인 에너지를 얻었을 때도 사용됨.

People feed off the positive energy you give them.


cut to the chase: get to the point without wasting time. get down to business 와 비슷

After a few introductory comments, we cut to the chase and began negotiating.


pump up: fill with enthusiasm or excitement

The team leader tried to pump up the team so they would win.


avail oneself of: utilize an available resource. 이용하다, ~을 적절히 사용하다.

Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities.


tackle a problem: spending time and effort on figuring out solutions to the problem. 문제를 다루다, 문제를 해결하다

We cannot tackle a problem if we cannot identify it.



A: You know we got the quarterly reviews this week?

B: Quite right! I just hope to be spared all the buzzwords and that we just cut to the chase.

spare: (불쾌한 일을) 모면하게 하다. 겪지 않아도 되게 하다.

buzzword: (특정 업계, 시대, 문맥에서) 유행하는 말. 업계 용어(jargon)


A: I hate technospeak! Luckily, our new manager is forthright and exudes confidence.

technospeak: 기술 용어

forthright: 솔직 담백한(frank)

exude: (특정한 느낌 등을) 물씬 풍기다. 액체나 냄새를 풍기다.


B: I appreciate his gravitas, too! He looks and acts like a leader, so his comments are much easier to take.

gravitas: 진지함(seriousness)


A: He has gotten the entire department to invest in his ideas and become stakeholders in the company mission.

B: Plus, he is so good at having empathy. Naturally, I feel like we share a lot of common ground or at least I feel heard.

have empathy: 공감하다.

feel heard: feel that you are being listened. 말하는 이가 듣는 이에게 경청하고 있거나 그 상황을 이해하고 있다고 느끼는 것.


A: I totally feed off the energy in the office lately, so I don’t mind all the tough love.

tough love: 누군가가 상대방이 스스로 어려움을 극복할 수 있도록 엄격하게 대하는 것. 하지만 그 사람에게 도움이 되기 때문에 애정을 갖고 하는 것.

B: Before, I felt like there were so many pitfalls in dealing with management. No wonder so many employees suffered burnout.

pitfall: 위험, 곤란 


A: The odds are good that everyone will feel pumped up about these meetings even if they are critical.

odds: 역경, 곤란

B: We can’t tackle a problem if we can’t identify it. So, I hope to avail myself this time around.

this time around: (반복되는 일이) 이번에



Original: Yeah, when I give someone a feedback, usually, I hope and I want someone be better. So usually I give a feedback in the point of technology; for working skills, and sometime I give them a feedback about their attitude if they have a bad attitude toward the work. 

Better: When I give someone feedback, I usually hope and wish for them to improve, so normally I give them feedback in terms of technolgy and their working skills, and sometimes I give them feedback about their attitude if they have a negative attitue towards their work.


Original: Also, I received many feedbacks from my team members, and some of them are useful, and sometime I feel hurt from the negative feedback, but I'm trying to overcome it.

Better: Also, I've received a lot of feedback from my team members, some of which is useful and some of which is hurtful, but I'm trying to overcome that.


Original: Some people like the efficiency, so when they start a meeting, they don't say any chat, but just cut to the chase. 

Better: Some people prefer to be efficient, so when they start a meeting, they don't chat; they just cut to the chase. 

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