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영어/Business English

#148 Risk Management 1

Key Word

winnow out: separate the useful or important people or things from the rest of a group. 옥석을 가려내다

To make a wise choice, it is best to start broad and winnow out the inferior options.


anemic demand: low point in the sales of a particular product; signs of poor demand; 부족한 수요

A weak economy is characterized by anemic demand, among other factors.


anemic: 빈혈의

I'm animic. 나 빈혈있어요.


trade embargo: a government order imposing a trade barrier 수출입 금지. 금지 뿐만 아니라 수출입을 어렵게 만드는 것

impose: 세금 등을 도입하다. 불쾌한 것을 부과하다.

dispute: 분쟁

accusations: 혐의, 비난, 고발, 고소

Political disputes or accusations of unfair practices like higher than normal import tariffs can result in trade embargoes.


due diligence: the detailed examination of a company and its financial records, done before becoming involved in a business arrangement with it. 비즈니스나 거래를 실행하기전 사전에 필요한 조사등을 수행해야 하는 의무

Before buying out a competitor, due diligence is a necessary step in evaluating worth.


blind spots: a prejudice, or area of ignorance, that one has but is often unaware of

Does your business have a blind spot that is hurting your sales and growth?


full scope: the range of matters considered or dealt with

We have to really begin with the full scope safeguard agreements


A: Ugh! Did you see today’s headline and stock index in the Financial News? The forecast is for anemic demand, and our sector looks all but moribund for the foreseeable future. 

all but: 거의

moribund: 소멸 직전의, 빈사 상태의


B: It’s wretched. All these blind spots lurking in the economy were really of our own devising.

A bit more due diligence—you know, fact-checking and asking the hard questions—would have spared us all this trouble.

wretched: 비참한, 끔찍한, awful

lurk: (나쁜 짓을 하려고 기다리며) 숨어있다, (불쾌한 일이) 도사리다.

devise: 방법, 고안하다

spare: (불쾌한 일을) 모면하게 하다.

해석: 이 모든 경제적 맹점들은 모두 우리 방법 때문이다. 좀 더 사업 전에 잘 조사했으면 우리가 이렇게 어려운 일을 겪지 않아도 됐다.


A: I think it is about time that every company appoints a CRO, a Chief Risk Officer. You can’t be too sure of anything these days!

B: Right! With more expertise, we could simulate the possible consequences of our ventures.


A: Yep, being able to winnow out the toxic options is a big part of handling dilemmas and averting catastrophes.

aver: 방지하다, 피하다

B: The aftermath of this crisis has yet to be seen in its full scope. We should be agile to respond to further fallout.

aftermath: 여파, 후유증

fallout: 좋지 못한 결과



A: To make matters worse, I fear trade embargoes could disrupt trade and balance sheets across the board, not to mention the national budget.

 across the board: (회사, 산업 등의) 전반에 걸쳐

B: Well, action is almost always better than inaction, so really I fear too much paralysis on our part. I want to stay nimble. Like Steve Jobs said, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

nimble: 민첩한, 날렵한


Original: In Korea, we normally make highball using the whiskey made in Japan and soda. 

Better: In Korea, we normally make highballs using Japanese whiskey and soda.


Original: If I mix whiskey not from Japan; American whiskey, English whiskey, and soda, then we call it as a cocktail. 

Better: When Korean mix non-Japanese whiskey, such as American whiskey or English whiskey, with soda, we call it a cocktail.


Original: Today, I felt the harmful side effects of the internet today. Today, Korean actor very famous and popular Korean actor died. He killed by himself because many Internet news talked about his problem a lot, and many people blamed him because he had drug. 

Better: Today, I experienced the harmful side effects of the internet because a very famous Korean actor died. He killed himself becasue many Internet news stories constantly talked about his problem, and many people blamed him becasue he had a drug problem.

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