영어/Business English (155) 썸네일형 리스트형 #85 Taking a Position 2 Key Word walk away: leave freely and without obligation. (힘든 상황·관계를 외면하고) 떠나 버리다 The two sides walked away from the deal when they failed to reach a compromise. think on your feet: react to events effectively, without prior thought or planning. 재빨리 대응하다. You can really think on your feet. I would have had no idea of what to do in that situation. ways and means: the methods and resources for achi.. #84 Taking a Position 1 Key Word take a stance: adopt a firm position about an issue We must take a stance against discrimination in the workplace. go along with~: agree with someone or something His ideas about this project go along with mine. I can go along with you on that, but we simply don’t have the money. I can go along with your plan if you meet me halfway. I can go along with what you are asking. I can go alon.. #83 International Negotiations 2 Key Word evaporate: 물이 증발되다 Water evaporates. enter into ~: agree to be part of an official agreement or contract Our company entered into an agreement with a new supplier. base on: use particular ideas or facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory The discount will be based on the order volume. jot down: write briefly or hurriedly Let me just jot down your phone number. nit.. #82 International Negotiations 1 Key Word agree on: accept a proposal or idea in accord with others They failed to agree on a date for the next meeting. course of action: plan or method to be used for achieving a specific goal. 임무를 완수하기 위하여 채택할 수 있는 실행 가능한 계획 The only possible course of action is to sell the company. trade for ~: exchange someone or something for someone or something. 교환하다 What will you trade for this car? I’d .. #81 Tackling Problems 2 Key Word a great deal of: a large amount of He made a great deal of money last month. invest in ~: use money for (something) in order to earn more money He made a fortune by investing in real estate. make a fortune: 재산을 모으다. in favor: approved of, supported, or popular 찬성하는 Most of the employees are not in favor of the new policy. keep track of: be fully aware of or informed about something I ha.. #80 Tackling Problems 1 Key Word recall: an order for the return of a product made by a company because of a fault in the product The company made a recall for their new baby food because of contamination scare. more likely: means the chances of a particular event happening is very high They will be more likely to order more products because of our excellent service. lead to ~: if an action or event leads to something,.. #79 Proposal & Negotiation 2 Key Word customer base: the clients to whom a business sells products and services 고객층 Our customer base has expanded due to our new advertisement. sales region: area or type of customers assigned to a sales unit There will be a meeting about our team’s new sales region. get ahead of oneself: plan or do something which is not yet appropriate. 김칫국 마시다. 속단하다. 마음만 급하다. Do not get ahead of yourself... #78 Proposal & Negotiation 1 Key Word settle on ~: make a decision between two or more people or things after not being certain which to choose The team members had settled on a date for their party. I know you had settled on a salary with Mr. Bale in your interview, but I need to address some of your other requests. address: 다루다, 처리하다, (본격적으로) 착수하다 time off: a period of time when you do not work because of illness or holid.. #77 Situational Communication Strategies 2 Key Word a rule of thumb: a guide or principle based on experience. 경험에 근거하는 어떤 원칙 As a rule of thumb, I avoid talking about controversial topics with business partners. swamped: be burdened with work. 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바쁜, 술취한 I am sorry that I could not call back sooner. I was swamped earlier. slack off: waste time or avoid work Do not slack off now. We need to finish this report. Feedback Original: I.. #76 Presentation Know-how 2 Key Word potential investor: a person who is likely to put his money into an investment a person who is likely to put his money into an investment outlook: the likely future situation The business outlook for next year is favorable. remarkable: unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning I was impressed by the manager’s remarkable speech. at stake: at risk; at issue or in qu.. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ··· 16 다음