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영어/Business English

#96 Cross-cultural Business Etiquette 1

Key Word

carry out ~: do or complete something, especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do. 수행하다.

We have to carry out this research over a six-month period.


business card: a small card that has your name, company name, and the job you do printed on it. 명함

In some cultures, it is rude to hand out your business card using one hand.


corporate card: 법인카드


hand out ~: give something to each person in a group or place. 나누어주다. 배부하다.

The secretary handed out the copies of the report during the meeting.


hand in: 제출하다


take into account: consider or remember something when judging a situation. 고려하다

The advertising team must take into account the age group of the customers.


at someone’s disposal: available to be used by someone. 

He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.

그는 한 달 내내 차를 가지고 있을 것입니다.

disposal: 처리. 처분. 처분의 자유. 처분권


I’m sorry; I didn’t catch... (전화할 때)미안, 나 듣지 못했어..

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch what you said.

I'm sorry. I didn't catch what your position is.



Original: I think a girl who has blonde hair likes the man because she is gazing him.

Better: I think the girl with the blonde hair likes the man because she is gazing at him.


Original: Shouting at the meeting is considered rude.

Better: Shouting in the middle of a meeting is considered rude.


Original: I'm not smart to win someone.

Better: I don't think I'm smart enough to win a match against someone.

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