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영어/Business English

#95 Cultural Mistakes 2

Key Word

adapt to ~: become familiar or comfortable with something.

It is really hard for Ms. Smith to adapt to her new office.


establish: start having a relationship with, or communicating with another person, company, country, or organization

There are people who can easily establish a good relationship with others.


play it by ear: improvise; act instinctively rather than according to rules or a plan

(보통 꼭 필요한 것이 없어서) 뭐든 있는 것으로 처리하다. 

There was a problem with the projector, so I just had to play it by ear when I gave my presentation.

발표하는 사람이 projector가 꼭 필요한데, 없어서 어떻게든 처리했다.

The DJ had to play it by ear when the speaker stopped working, so he used his boom box.


ring a bell:  sound familiar

The name rings a bell, but I cannot remember where I met him.

그 이름 어디서 들어본 거 같은데, 만난 적이 있는 지 기억나지 않는다.


have a game plan: have a strategy devised before an event

This is a big meeting, so it is important that we have a game plan before going in.


Original: You know I am preparing for the exam, is on this weekend.

Better: You know I am preparing for my exam, which is this weekend.


Original: They are gazing a woman sitting in the center.

Better: They are gazing at a woman sitting in the center.


Original: I think I miscalculate the schedule.

Better: I think I miscalculated the amount of time I would need to study.