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영어/Business English

#97 Cross-cultural Business Etiquette 2

Key Word

diverse: including many different types of people or things

Being familiar with diverse cultures will come in handy during business trips.

come in handy: 쓸모가 있다. 도움이 되다.


fall through the cracks: get lost or be forgotten. 부주의로 깜빡하다.

I think that part of the report fell through the cracks.


cut to the chase: skip of the unimportant details and deal with the main point. 바로 본론으로 들어가다.

Let me cut to the chase. Your behavior in the meeting was unacceptable.


stay on your toes: stay aware and energetic. 정신을 바짝 차리다/ 긴장의 끈을 놓지 않다/경계를 늦추지 않다

There is only a few hours left before the big presentation, so you are really going to have to stay on your toes.


Original: It's just for the treatment of my beauty.

Better: It's just a beauty treatment.


Original: I heard this festival first time because the festival caused many problems.

Better: This is the first time I've heard of the festival becasue it caused a lot of problems.


Original: Many children got the hot stroke and went to the hospital to cure the hot stroke.

Better: Many childeren suffered from heat stroke and were taken to the hospital for treatment.

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