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영어/Business English

#99 Expatriate Employees 2

Key Word

transition: the process of changing, or a change from one form or condition to another

We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.


marital status: the fact of someone being married or not

Could I ask you about your marital status?


break even: reach a point when profits equal costs

I think with the new clients this quarter we will be able to break even.


loss for words: be speechless; in shock

When I heard the deal fell through, I was at a loss for words.


blow a deal: cause a deal to fall through

His careless mistake was what blew the deal.


Original: I feel good because today is the Friday.

Better: I feel good because today is Friday.


Original: You have to prepare your liver to drink many alcohols because Korean people drink many alcohols in the dinner party.

Better: Because Korean people consume a lot of alcohol at dinner parties, you must get your liver ready so it can handle it.


Original: I skip the attachment when I send the email to the big customer so I was at a loss for words.

Better: I sent an email to an important client without including the attachment, so I was at a loss for words.