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영어/Business English

#100 Body Language Across Cultures 1

Key Word

offensive: unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed. 불쾌한, 역겨운

She got irritated because of his offensive language.


by accident: difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination. 부주의로, 우연히

She deleted the file by accident, so she has to work on it again.


spouse: 배우자


I didn’t intend to...

I didn’t intend to offend you.

I didn't intend to cause confusion.

I didn't upset our guests.


Original: I attend a meet up and at the meet up I studied with group members.

Better: I wet to a meet-up where I studied with other group members.


Original: I want him to have any interest about me.

Better: I want him to have an interest in me.


Original: When woman avoid contact a man when eye contact, the man can probably misunderstand that she interested in me.

Better: Men often assume that women are interested in them when they avoid making eye contact.

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