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영어/Business English

#94 Cultural Mistakes 1

Key Word

associate: someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion, friend, or business partner. 제휴한

We are busy preparing for the arrival of our foreign associates next week.


more than once: twice or on multiple occasions

This reminder has been posted more than once.


address: ~라고 부르다.

You can address him by his first name. 너는 그를 그의 성으로 불러야 한다.


You can call me...

You can call me by my first name.

You can call me Joe.

You can call me Sandy if you want.



Original: I can meet them once per two months.

Better: I can meet up with them once every two months. 

meet up with가 meet 보다 더 친밀한 느낌의 뉘앙스다.


Original: I want to make the positive relationship with them.

Better: I want to build a positive relationship with them.


Original: I was surprised that they didn't meet each other.

Better: I was surprsed taht they hadn't met each other before.

'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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