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영어/Business English

#93 Maintaining Positive Relationships 2

Key Word

breathe down someone’s neck: follow or supervise someone too closely, making him or her uncomfortable.

~를 급히 시키다.

I am sorry to hover. I feel like I am always breathing down your neck.

hover: 계속 맴돌다.


get on one’s nerves: irritate or annoy someone. ~의 신경에 거슬리다.

The new music in the elevator is really getting on my nerves. I wish they would change it back.



Original: I looked monitor so long time and also sat down so long time.

Better: I was sitting at my desk and looking at the monitor for too long.


Original: They are smiling each other.

Better: They are smiling at each other.


Original: Sometimes there is a person in the office who is talking alone.

Better: Sometimes there is a perosn at the office who likes speaking to themselves.

'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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