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영어/Business English

#90 Invitations 1

Key Word

bring up ~: mention something. 문제를 제기하다.

The manager brought up the problem about tardiness.maritime boundary. tardiness: 지각


pick up: go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one’s car and according to a prior arrangement. 픽업하다.

I will pick you up after your work.


When’s a good time to...

When’s a good time to come by your office?

When’s a good time to call you to make plans?

When’s a good time to meet for dinner?


Do you prefer... or...

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Do you prefer meeting for lunch or dinner?

Do you prefer Chinese or Italian for dinner?


What would you recommend for...

What would you recommend for a vegan?

What would you recommend for someone unfamiliar with Indian food?

What would you recommend for someone with a peanut allergy?



Original: Foreigner see the hangul for the first time they think it looks like a triangle circle.

Better: When foreigners see Hangul for the first time, they think it looks like shapes.


Original: I learned it when I was four years before going to the kindergarten.

Better: I learned it when I was four years old, before I went to kindergarten.


Original: My friend also recommend to watch the movie.

Better: My friend also recommended watching the movie.


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