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영어/Business English

#89 Turning the Table 2

Key Word

have a feeling ~: be conscious of something but not certain about it

I have a feeling that the negotiation will not be easy.


hypothesis: an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved

I have to interview more employees to prove my hypothesis about demotivation in the office.


change someone’s mind: change your/someone else’s decision or opinion

What made you change your mind about the deal?


know something inside out: understand something very thoroughly.  know well. be well aware of

We are really lucky to have Bob on our team. He really knows his stuff inside out.


easier said than done: be more easily talked about than put into practice. 행동보다 말이 쉽다.

Achieving a goal is something easier said than done.


stay on top of things: remain in control of a situation. 상황을 훤히 알다. 완전히 파악하다.

We are dealing with an important client, so we really need to stay on top of things.


Original: I can talk with you.

Better: I can talk to you.


Original: My brother, my brother lives in the South America and he learn the salsa in the region.

Better: My brother lives in Stouth America, and he learned salsa in the region.


Original: He recommended me to learn salsa

Better: He recommended that I learn salsa.

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