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영어/Business English

#104 Socializing 1

Key Word

catch up on: do something that you have not been able to do recently. ~을 따라잡다. 밀린 일 등을 따라잡을 때도 쓰임

She is catching up on her studies after being sick.

He needs to catch up on the work he missed while on vacation.

I need to catch up on my sleep this weekend.


brief someone on: tell someone key information about someone or something, often an issue or situation

Can you brief me on what happened at the meeting yesterday?


fall behind on (with): fail to do something fast enough or on time

They had fallen behind on their mortgage repayments. 그들은 주택 상환 대출을 놓치고 있다.

I have fallen behind on my assignments. 난 숙제를 놓치고 있다.

We are falling behind on the project deadline.우리는 프로젝트 기한을 따라잡지 못하고 있어요.


keep someone posted: make sure someone knows what is happening, esp. in a situation that is quickly changing

It is your job to keep me posted on what is going on around the office.

Please keep me posted on the meeting schedule changes.

I will keep you posted on any updates regarding the project.


be tied up: be very busy and unable to speak to anyone, go anywhere

I have been all tied up with work.

I’ve been all tied up with catching up on the newly-assigned project.


Original: I said to my leader that I passed the exam.

Better: I told my leader that I passed the exam.


Original: My job is remote work, so it is very hard to meet them in person.

Better: It is very hard for me to meet them in person because I work remotely.


Original: Also, I said to my colleagues that I got the license and nobody got the license except for me.

Better: Also, I told my colleagues that I got the license, and no one else has gotten it except for me.

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