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영어/Business English

#106 Working With International Visitors 1

Key Word

right off the bat: immediately; without delay. 배트에 볼이 맞자 마자 빠르게 날라가니 즉시라는 의미.


I could tell right off the bat that she was not happy.

I told her she was gorgeous, and right off the bat, she kissed me.


bean counter: an accountant (someone who takes care of a company’s financial affairs). 잘 안쓰이고 주로 accountant라고만 말함.

The bean counters refused to authorize the costs.


be pressed for: be in a difficult situation because you do not have enough of something (e.g money, time, space). 부족하다. 압박을 받다.

We decided to go with the hallway displays because we are kind of pressed for space.

We are pressed for time to finish this project. 우리는 이 프로젝트를 마치기 위해 시간이 부족해요.

She is pressed for money and needs to find a job quickly. 그녀는 돈이 부족하고 빨리 일자리를 찾아야 해요.

They were pressed for answers during the interview. 면접에서 답변을 해야 하는 압박을 받았어요.

The team is pressed for ideas to solve this problem. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 팀은 아이디어가 부족해


crunch the number: calculate numbers or process information. 수치를 계산하다. 회계 등 숫자 다루는 곳에서 자주 쓰임.


The guy crunched the number before he gave me a price.


health kick: when you decide to do a lot of healthy things (i.e, eating healthy foods, exercising, drinking plenty of water, etc.)

건강을 지키기 위한 생활 습관. 잘 사용되진 않는다.


You have really been on a health kick lately.


believe it or not: this is surprising but true

Believe it or not, she is in her late 50s.


keen on: ~을 아주 좋아하는, ~에 관심이 많은

You seem very keen on organic products.

She is keen on learning new languages.


overseas transfer: 해외 지사에 파견되어 근무

Have you ever thought about working abroad as part of an overseas transfer?

The company offers various benefits to employees who accept an overseas transfer, such as housing allowances and language training.

She is excited about her upcoming overseas transfer to work in the company's Singapore office.


Original: Well I have the experience working with overseas colleagues, but at the time I just collaborated with them on the internet.

Better: Well, I have experience working with overseas colleagues, but at the time, I just collaborated with them online.


Original: I even didn't even know their faces.

Better: I didnt' even know their faces.


Original: I want to tell right of the bat that I like him.

Better: I want to tell him right of the bat that I like him.

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