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영어/Business English

#105 Socializing 2

Key Word

How is ___ treating you?

How is work treating you?

How is life treating you?

How is London treating you?


We were wondering if you___.

I am wondering~ 패턴보다 공손하게 요청하거나 묻는 뉘앙스


We were wondering if you had plans next Friday. 다음 주 금요일 계획이 있는 지 궁금하다.


I’ll keep you posted___.

I'll keep you posted if there are any changes

I'll keep you posted on what needs to be done by Sunday


Original: I sympathize you.

Better: I sympathize with you.


Original: Whenever I go to the office, it very hard to see who I already know.

Better: It is really challenging for me to recognize familar faces whenever I visit the office.


Original: How about the work treating?

Better: How is work treating you?

'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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