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#105 Socializing 2 Key Word How is ___ treating you? How is work treating you? How is life treating you? How is London treating you? We were wondering if you___. I am wondering~ 패턴보다 공손하게 요청하거나 묻는 뉘앙스 https://blog.naver.com/saraenglish-333/223172808171 We were wondering if you had plans next Friday. 다음 주 금요일 계획이 있는 지 궁금하다. I’ll keep you posted___. I'll keep you posted if there are any changes I'll keep you posted ..
#104 Socializing 1 Key Word catch up on: do something that you have not been able to do recently. ~을 따라잡다. 밀린 일 등을 따라잡을 때도 쓰임 She is catching up on her studies after being sick. He needs to catch up on the work he missed while on vacation. I need to catch up on my sleep this weekend. brief someone on: tell someone key information about someone or something, often an issue or situation Can you brief me on what happ..
리눅스 서버에서 수동으로 Tomcat 재부팅하기 서버 자체를 Stop시키는 게 아니라, 리눅스 서버에서 수동으로 애플리케이션의 Tomcat을 재부팅 해야할 때가 있다. 여기선 Tomcat을 Stop 시키는 2가지 방법을 정리한다. 1. Tomcat의 shutdown.sh, startup.sh 사용 2. Suprervisor 사용 Supervisor가 좀 더 간단하다. Tomcat의 shutdown.sh, startup.sh 사용 아래 명령어로 tomcat이 설치된 경로를 찾아 접근한다. whereis tomcat 내 경우, /usr/local/tomcat으로 나왔다. /usr/local/tomcat/bin에 들어가면 shutdown.sh와 startup.sh가 있는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 경로에 들어가서 ./shutdown.sh를 실행하면 tomcat..
Oracle에서 'Create Table ... AS Select ...'을 사용해 테이블을 복사할 때, 제약 조건과 인덱스는 복사되지 않는다. 백업 테이블만들 때 주의해야한다. 문제 Oracle에서 백업 테이블을 만들 일이 있어, 아래와 같이 'Create Table ... AS Select ...'을 이용해 백업 테이블을 만들었다. CREATE TABLE test_backup_20230823 AS SELECT * FROM test; 아래는 test 테이블의 스키마이다. create table TEST ( ID VARCHAR2(10 char) not null, COUNTRY VARCHAR2(10 char), NAME VARCHAR2(100 char), USE_YN CHAR default 'Y', REG_USER VARCHAR2(10 char) default 'SYSTEM' not null, REG_TIME TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE default SYST..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.jsp.login_jsp 에러 문제 페이지에 로그인하려고 했는데, 아래와 같이 ClassNotFoundException이 났다. login_jsp가 있는 것을 보아 login.jsp 파일과 관련된 에러인 거 같다. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.jsp.login_jsp at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:382) at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadClass(JasperLoader.java:128) at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadClass(JasperLoader.java:59) at org.apache.catalin..
#103 Meeting New People 2 Key Word play a factor: 작용하다. 역할을 하다. Does age play a factor when greeting colleagues? Feedback Original: We think it is very rude to wave hand to the people at work. Better: We think it is very rude to wave at people at work. Original: I prepared special meal for family. Better: I prepared a special meal for family. Original: I do both of them, sometimes I will bow to the new people, or sometim..
#102 Meeting New People 1 Key Word extensive experience: covers a wide range of experience He has extensive experience in teaching American Literature. bottom line: profits or losses, as of a business, 최종 결산 결과, 핵심, 요점 Our bottom line has tripled from strong sales this year. target demographics: the parameters which are used in segmenting the targeted audience into more specific groups the parameters which are used in se..
#101 Body Language Across Cultures 2 Key Word bring to the table: what one can offer or provide I am happy to have Kevin join our team. He really has a lot to bring to the table. earth-shattering news: news of enormous importance or consequence. 세상이 깜짝 놀랄 뉴스 Hearing that our partners were pulling out of the project was earth-shattering news. draw the line: reasonably object to something or set a limit We really need to draw the lin..
#100 Body Language Across Cultures 1 Key Word offensive: unpleasant or insulting, and likely to make people upset or embarrassed. 불쾌한, 역겨운 She got irritated because of his offensive language. by accident: difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination. 부주의로, 우연히 She deleted the file by accident, so she has to work on it again. spouse: 배우자 I didn’t intend to... I didn’t intend to offend you. I didn't intend to cause co..
#99 Expatriate Employees 2 Key Word transition: the process of changing, or a change from one form or condition to another We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one. marital status: the fact of someone being married or not Could I ask you about your marital status? break even: reach a point when profits equal costs I think with the new clients this quarter we will be able to break even. ..