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#131 Different Communication Styles 2 Key Word Did you hear __________? Did you hear the news about the bankers? Did you hear what the boss did? Did you hear that we are getting iPads __________ views someone/something as __________. Everyone views my sister as sweet and fragile. My boss still views me as very young and green. The student views school as being pertinent to her future life. pertinent: 관련있는. related와 유사. __________ ch..
#130 Different Communication Styles 1 Key Word bum out: sad or discouraged Everybody was totally bummed out because I was not there. play favorites: give preferable treatment to someone or something one likes or favors more than others 편애하다. Sarah always thought her boss played favorites and that she was always chosen for the great tasks. widened one’s horizons: increase the range of one’s knowledge, understanding, or experience Thi..
#129 Understanding Cultural Diversity 2 Key Word Now that _______________. becuase, since와 달리 새로운 상황이 시작되어서 설명할 때 사용. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for the meeting. 너가 여기 왔으니, 회의에 참석하는 것이 좋습니다. Now that you mention it, I did see a strange man outside. Now that you’ve gotten a promotion, what are you going to do first? It isn’t necessary to _______________. It isn’t necessary to be perfect in order to be successful. It ..
The Docs and Developer
#128 Understanding Cultural Diversity 1 Key Word put in charge of: be responsible for something or someone He was subsequently put in charge of the whole project. subsequently: 그 뒤에, 나중에 My team decided to put me in charge of the upcoming project. brush up on: improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten. 온고지신 같은 느낌. My German is weak. I had better brush up on it. take one’s word for: accept what one says w..
#127 Going On A Business Trip 2 Key Word Don’t forget to _______________. Don’t forget to ask them for the unemployment pay. unemployment pay: 실업 급여 Don’t forget to contact your seller with any questions about payment. Don’t forget to RSVP right way. RSVP: 초대장에 대한 참석 여부를 회신 바람 To be frank, _______________. To be frank, I’m not happy with the decision at all. To be frank, I’m very disappointed with your behavior. To be frank, I..
#126 Going On A Business Trip 1 Key Word put down: write something on a piece of paper The vice president asked the staff to put down all the complaints on paper. file away: file some document or other material into the appropriate place All the relevant documents are filed away with the property deeds. act on: do something because you have been given information, advice, or orders. 명령을 받았기 때문에 해야 한다. They were acting on the i..
#125 Following Up 2 Key Word ______________ on the cutting edge _______________. These models are on the cutting edge of computer design. Health Hospital is on the cutting edge of medical technology. The technology is right on the cutting edge and not available to the public yet _______________ (be) just being + adjective(형용사) You are being nice. She is being too sensitive. Is he being modest? Good luck in/on/with ..
#124 Following Up 1 Key Word pan out: develop in a particular way or in a successful way. 일이 잘 풀리다. I did not know that deal would pan out. 그 일이 잘 풀릴 것인지 알지 못했다. up-and-coming: likely to achieve success soon or in the near future The summer exhibition has a major focus on young up-and-coming talent. cut out for: naturally able or suited to do or be something. good at it 과 동일. He has really got his work cut out for ..
#123 Exchanging Opinions 2 Key Word _______________ in danger of _______________. The employees are in danger of losing their jobs. Frogs are in danger fo becoming extinct. We are in danger of losing our free speech. It/That would be great _______________. It would be great to see you again. That would be freat if you could make it to the team gathering tonight. It would be great if we could go to Manchester as well. I li..