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#147 Monitoring & Feedback 2 Key Word exude: (of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly She exudes friendship and goodwill. gravitas: seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect. pitfall: an unexpected danger or difficulty He took financial advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of setting up your own bu..
#146 Monitoring & Feedback 1 Key Word common ground: an area of shared interests or opinions held by two or more people or groups. 공통점 When debating contentious issues, it is best to establish some common ground. contentious: 논쟁을 초래할 feed off the energy: gain strength, energy, or support from something. 긍정적인 에너지 뿐만 아니라 부정적인 에너지를 얻었을 때도 사용됨. People feed off the positive energy you give them. cut to the chase: get to the poin..
#145 Production Management 2 Key Word emulate: copy someone’s behavior or try to be like someone else because you admire or respect that person. 모방하다 unveil: reveal (그림, 동상 등을 처음으로 공개하기 위해) 덮개를 벗기다, (새로운 계획, 상품 등을) 발표하다. from time to time: 가끔, 이따금 We should not only emulate the best practices and products but unveil our own ideas from time to time. hobbled: be impeded or set at a disadvantage; constrained. 다리를 절뚝거리다. 방해하다. ..
#144 Production Management 1 Key Word lean manufacturing: a methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within manufacturing systems while simultaneously maximizing productivity lean: 군살 없는 In the super-competitive future, lean manufacturing will make more sense and be more indispensable than ever. make more sense: it well be better to you than any other strategies. indispensable: 없어서는 안 될, 필수적인 sweep the globe: quickly sp..
#143 Budgeting 2 Key Word frugal: careful in spending money. 긍정적인 의미로 절약하는 Because our company is frugal, we have to recycle all paper and plastic items. tight-fisted: not willing to spend or give much money; miserly. 부정적인 의미로 인색한 The company’s tight- fisted owner will not raise the workers’ salaries. leverage: power, effectiveness; a resource that allows one to enact or perform; to use to advantage. 이익을 위해 이용하다..
#142 Budgeting 1 Key Word time and cost overruns: cost overruns is a cost that is more than the amount budgeted, while time overruns occur when projects or tasks is not completed by the time the project plan specifies overrun: (예정된 금액, 시간을) 초과하다 The longer an IT project is supposed to take, the more likely it is to encounter time and cost overruns. debt ceiling: the maximum amount that a government can borrow To..
#141 Stress Management 2 Key Word downtime: free time; personal time away from the office; a short break I cannot wait to have some quality downtime this weekend. clutter: a messy collection of things lying around. 잡동사니, 어수선함. (너무 많은 것을 어수선하게) 채우다. The basement work area is filled with creative clutter. Dialouge There are three types of conflict that can exist within an organization—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Good..
#140 Stress Management 1 Key Word clean slate: a person’s record that shows no evidence of any problems, or broken rules; a clean record. 청렴결백. 깨끗한 과거사. 어떤 기록도 없음 The newly elected president promised that with a clean slate he could start off fresh and not be limited by the previous administration. stride in technology: significant progress in technology The future envisioned in sci-fi novels and movies depends on consi..
Oracle 실행 계획 보기. 개발 DB와 운영 DB의 쿼리 속도가 차이나는 이유 문제 동일한 쿼리를 개발 DB와 운영 DB에 실행했는데, 쿼리의 실행 속도가 개발은 10초, 운영은 0.1초 나왔다. 원인을 찾기 위해 개발 DB와 운영 DB에서 실행계획을 살펴보기로 했다. 원인 개발 DB에서 Data Grip으로 실행 계획 보기 개발 DB는 Data Grip이라는 DB프로그램을 사용하는데, 마우스 오른쪽을 클릭하고, Explain Plan이나 Explain Plan (Raw)를 클릭하면 콘솔창에 실행계획이 출력된다. 아래는 Explain Plan (Raw)를 선택했을 때 콘솔창에 나온 결과이다. 모자이크 된 부분은 사용한 인덱스 키가 나온다. Operation에 Index Fast Full Scan과 Rows가 2449, 2668로 나온 것을 보아 개발 DB에서는 Full Scan이 ..