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#95 Cultural Mistakes 2 Key Word adapt to ~: become familiar or comfortable with something. It is really hard for Ms. Smith to adapt to her new office. establish: start having a relationship with, or communicating with another person, company, country, or organization There are people who can easily establish a good relationship with others. play it by ear: improvise; act instinctively rather than according to rules or..
#94 Cultural Mistakes 1 Key Word associate: someone who is closely connected to another person as a companion, friend, or business partner. 제휴한 We are busy preparing for the arrival of our foreign associates next week. more than once: twice or on multiple occasions This reminder has been posted more than once. address: ~라고 부르다. You can address him by his first name. 너는 그를 그의 성으로 불러야 한다. You can call me... You can call ..
#93 Maintaining Positive Relationships 2 Key Word breathe down someone’s neck: follow or supervise someone too closely, making him or her uncomfortable. ~를 급히 시키다. I am sorry to hover. I feel like I am always breathing down your neck. hover: 계속 맴돌다. get on one’s nerves: irritate or annoy someone. ~의 신경에 거슬리다. The new music in the elevator is really getting on my nerves. I wish they would change it back. Feedback Original: I looked moni..
#92 Maintaining Positive Relationships 1 Key Word means a lot: used when something or someone is very important and is something you appreciate It means a lot to me that you appreciated my effort for this project. convincing: able to make you believe that something is true or right His presentation was smooth and convincing, so the clients were happy. people skills: ability to effectively communicate, understand, and empathize His work..
#91 Invitations 2 Key Word close a the deal: reach an agreement with another party, thus concluding negotiations Everyone is hoping to close the deal this afternoon. take someone out: go somewhere with someone and pay for them The team leader will take the members out to lunch next week. agree upon ~: decide with someone else to do something or to have something The employees agreed upon a date for their team par..
#90 Invitations 1 Key Word bring up ~: mention something. 문제를 제기하다. The manager brought up the problem about tardiness.maritime boundary. tardiness: 지각 pick up: go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one’s car and according to a prior arrangement. 픽업하다. I will pick you up after your work. When’s a good time to... When’s a good time to come by your office? When’s a good time to call you to make plans? When’..
#89 Turning the Table 2 Key Word have a feeling ~: be conscious of something but not certain about it I have a feeling that the negotiation will not be easy. hypothesis: an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved I have to interview more employees to prove my hypothesis about demotivation in the office. change someone’s mind: change your/someone else’s decision or opin..
#88 Turning the Table 1 Key Word can’t afford ~: not have enough money or time for something We cannot afford that price, so we are asking for a discount. It seems that we can’t quite afford the price increase that you are suggesting. check with ~: ask someone about something I will check with my manager before I sign the papers. start from scratch: start from the very beginning; start from nothing In case of failure, ..
#87 Using Humor 2 Key Word witty remark: a clever and funny statement. witty comments. People love talking with him because of his witty remarks. socializer: a person who enjoys mixing socially with others Being a good socializer is important in business. sooner or later: at some time in the future; eventually Do not worry about success now. I am sure you will find it sooner or later. work down to the wire: work ..
#86 Using Humor 1 Key Word expense report: detailed report produced on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis that accounts for all the expenses a business incurs maritime boundary. You are expected to submit the expense report from the last business trip tomorrow. dot your i’s and cross your t’s: pay great attention to every small detail in a task Make sure to dot your i’s and cross your t’s before you send the e..