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#115 Following Company Policies 2 Key Word I’ll make sure _____________. 확실하게 ~하겠다. I'll make sure we get the job done. I'll make sure to maintain support and continue to improve. I'll make sure to check that you haven't left anyone behind in the room. I've been trying to _______. 계속 ~하려고 시도 중이다. I've been trying to reach you all day long. I've been trying to make this work for two months. I've been trying to diet and work out. ..
#114 Following Company Policies 1 Key Word have a point: said when someone’s point of view or opinion makes sense. You have a point. It would be better to wait until this evening. You have a point. 네 말이 맞아. get back to ~: resume doing something. resume: 다시 시작하다. 재개하다. Is there anything you want to discuss before I get back to work? be up to our necks: be very busy We cannot do anything more since we are already up to our necks. ..
#113 Work Environment 2 Key Word Why don’t we ___________? Why don't we meet after you finished work? Why don't we focus on priority issues first? Why don't we go bowling tonight? get through 견디다, 이겨내다. The homeless will need help to get through the winter. 전화로 연결되다. I finally got through to him on his cell phone. 이해시키다. I've done everytihng I could to get through to him. (난 걔를 이해시키려고 안해본 짓이 없어.) 시험에 합격하다. How did he g..
#112 Work Environment 1 Key Word talk over: speak loud enough or drown out someone by talking more loudly, forcefully, and persistently than them 말하는 도중에 들어가, 크게 말하면서 상대방이 말을 못하게 만듦. As a child, I was taught that it is rude to interrupt and talk over someone else. We should never talk over, butt in, or cut off another person. butt in: take part in a conversation or activity, or enter somewhere, without being invited or..
#111 Introducing Your Company 2 Key Word compare with: ~과 비교되다. with를 사용하는 경우, 비교 대상이 동일하거나 비슷한 종류일 때이다. Don't compare my classmate with me! 나와 우리 반 친구를 비교하지 마! compare to: ~와 비교하다. 비교 대상이 다른 종류의 것일 때 사용한다. 엄밀히 말하면 사실 '비교' 보다는 '비유'의 의미에 더 가깝다고 할 수 있다. You look alike compared to your dog! similar to: ~와 비슷하다. similar with, similar as 는 잘못된 표현. seasoned: 경험 많은, 노련한 His coding style is similar to that of a seasoned software engin..
#110 Introducing Your Company 1 Key Word landed a job: I just landed the best job in the world! I just landed the best job in the world! Sounds like you landed a good job. bumped into ~: meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them. 우연히 아는 사람 만남 Guess who I bumped into at the store last night? I can’t believe I bumped into you! How are things with you? pay hike: an increase in wage or salary. 봉급 인상 They receive..
#109 Building Teamwork 2 Key Word I can’t walk __________ through __________. I can't walk you through all the steps. I can't walk everyone through the changed campany policies. I can't walk the staff through what to do whenever they make mistakes. I’ll let you know ____________. I'll let you know when I get there. I'll let you know if I come up with any other ideas. I'll let you know when I receive a message from him. ..
#108 Building Teamwork 1 Key Word speak of the devil: something you say when the person you were talking about appears unexpectedly. 호랑이도 제말하면 온다. 유래가 '귀신에 대해서 말하면 귀신이 온다'와 같음. Apparently she went there and was not that impressed - oh speak of the devil, here she is! Be careful when you are saying negative things about someone, speak of the devil. get assistance from: receive help from someone The visitors get assistanc..
#107 Working With International Visitors 2 Key Word Would you take time to ___? Would you take time to read the directions carefully? Would you take time to master the skills? Would you take time to complete the survey? Since when ___? Since when is he a leader? SInce when did you start closing so early? Feedback Original: There were much work to do, I had to finish them today. Better: There was a lot of work to do, and I had to finish i..
#106 Working With International Visitors 1 Key Word right off the bat: immediately; without delay. 배트에 볼이 맞자 마자 빠르게 날라가니 즉시라는 의미. https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?isHttpsRedirect=true&blogId=koreanstyl3&logNo=220862071607 I could tell right off the bat that she was not happy. I told her she was gorgeous, and right off the bat, she kissed me. bean counter: an accountant (someone who takes care of a company’s financial affairs). 잘 안..