분류 전체보기 (452) 썸네일형 리스트형 Apache Superset에서 Dataset을 이용해 Chart 생성 Chart 생성 Dataset을 이용해 Chart를 만든다. Dataset을 만드는 방법은 아래 글 참조 https://developer-minji.tistory.com/280 Apache Superset에서 MySQL DB 연동 및 DataSet 생성 MySQL DB 연동 우측 상단의 Settings를 눌러 DB 연동을 설정해줄 수 있다. Oracle, ElasticSearch 연동은 Superset에 추가로 DB Connection Driver 설치가 필요하다. 아래 공식 홈페이지의 문서 참조 https://superset.apache developer-minji.tistory.com Charts 메뉴에 들어가 +chart를 누른다. 원하는 dataset과 chart type을 선택한 후, Creat.. Apache Superset에서 MySQL DB 연동 및 Dataset 생성 MySQL DB 연동 우측 상단의 Settings를 눌러 DB 연동을 설정해줄 수 있다. Oracle, ElasticSearch 연동은 Superset에 추가로 DB Connection Driver 설치가 필요하다. 아래 공식 홈페이지의 문서 참조 https://superset.apache.org/docs/databases/docker-add-drivers/ Adding New Drivers in Docker | Superset Adding New Database Drivers in Docker superset.apache.org Dataset 생성 Superset에서 Dataset은 Chart를 만들 때 사용되는 원천 데이터이다. DB의 Table로 Dataset 만들기 Datasets 메뉴에서 +DA.. Apache Superset 설치 Apache Superset 이란? BI 툴이며, 오픈 소스이다. 유료 서비스인 Tableau보다 가볍다. Oracle, Mysql, Elastic Sesarch 등 여러 DB와 연동 가능하다. Superset 설치 공식 설치 문서는 아래 페이지 참조. https://superset.apache.org/docs/installation/installing-superset-using-docker-compose/ Installing Locally Using Docker Compose | Superset Installing Superset Locally Using Docker Compose superset.apache.org 1. Git으로 Superset 소스를 로컬에 다운받는다. git clone https.. #30 What Happened? 1 Key Word screen freeze: an unresponsive computer The screen freeze while I was working on my reports. no luck: used when you are disappointed that something you hoped for did not happen I tried turning the power off and on. No luck. crashed: a sudden stop of operation or function When it crashed, I was working on a presentation. probationary period: A probationary period is a time period- betwee.. #29 Everything You Want 2 Key Word could use: used for saying that someone or something needs a particular thing very much Work has been too hectic the last few months. I could really use a vacation. ulterior motive: a hidden reason for doing something; especially to one's advantage Politicians may have ulterior motives for doing things, especially during election season. count (someone) in: include someone in an activit.. #28 Everything You Want 1 Key Word out of ordinary: not usual or common; exceptional; beyond or outside of one's normal expectations Your reports was nicely done, but nothing out of the ordinary. slave away: work very hard and continuously (doing something) I have been slaving away at this report for the last three days. What's going on~: used to ask what's happening or how it is going Hey superstar, what is going on in .. #27 Trending Topics 2 Key Word level off: stay the same after a previous period of gains or decline. 변화 없이 편편한 상태 The market has finally leveled off after a week of steady gains. bottom out: hit the lowest point After a long decline, the stocks finally have bottomed out at $2 per share. trendsetter: someone who starts something and makes it popular that others than copy. 신제품을 만들고 대중화 시키는 사람 This is the flagship produ.. #26 Trending Topics 1 Key Word keep up with : do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something. 따라 잡다. Okay, so let us discuss how to keep up with B. Automotives(자동차 산업). take a hit : suffer damage or loss. 큰 타격을 입다 The annual sales took a big hit in 2010. flattern out: stop rising or falling, and stay at the same level If the housing market continues to flattern out or even decline, we are i.. #25 Navigating Your Area 2 Key Word wind down: in the final stages of process, gradually preparing to finish I was a little late, so the meeting was winding down by the time I got there. catch (someone) next time: meet someone at an unspecified later date Do you mind if I catch you guys next time? I have got a lot of work to do here. firm up: make plans more definite We are going to meet and firm up the agreement a bit. b.. Vue에서 Kendo UI의 kendo-vue-dropdowns 버전 1.0.0에서 1.2.0로 업그레이드 문제 회사에서 화면의 UI툴로 Kendo UI를 사용한다. https://www.telerik.com/kendo-vue-ui/components/introduction/ Kendo UI for Vue Native Components Introduction - Kendo UI for Vue Native Docs & Demos The Kendo UI for Vue Native is a commercial UI library designed and built for developing business applications with Vue. Every UI component in the Kendo UI for Vue Native suite has been built from the ground-up speci.. 이전 1 ··· 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ··· 46 다음