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Vue Router 사용 시, 동일 URL로 Routing할 때 Reload되지 않는 문제 문제 검색 조건에 따라, 하단에 다른 테이블을 보여줘야하는 요구사항이 있었다. 아래와 같이, 검색 조건 부분까지 공통인데, 검색 시 Children Type이 First냐, Second냐에 따라 하단의 테이블이 달라져야 했다. Vue Router를 사용해서 url path에 따라 Children Component를 변경해줬다. Vue Router로 구현한 방법은 아래 글 참조 https://developer-minji.tistory.com/290 Vue Router 사용 요구 사항 검색 조건에 따라, 하단에 다른 테이블을 보여줘야하는 요구사항이 있었다. 아래와 같이, 검색 조건 부분까지 공통인데, 검색 시 Children Type이 First냐, Second냐에 따라 하단의 테이블이 developer-m..
Vue Router 사용 요구 사항 검색 조건에 따라, 하단에 다른 테이블을 보여줘야하는 요구사항이 있었다. 아래와 같이, 검색 조건 부분까지 공통인데, 검색 시 Children Type이 First냐, Second냐에 따라 하단의 테이블이 달라져야 했다. Vue Router 사용 Vue Router를 사용해서 요구사항을 구현하기로 했다. Vue Router은 url Path에 따라 보여지는 자식 Component가 달라지는 것이다. 여기서는 Children Type이 First냐, Second냐에 따라 보여지는 테이블의 자식 Component가 달라지도록 한다. Children Type URL 자식 Component First /test/firstChild ChildrenFirst Second /test/secondChild ..
#2 I’m glad/happy/pleased (that) Dialogue My mom was in the hospital last week. How is she doing? She’s much better. She’s resting at home. I’m glad that she’s okay. Example I’m glad that I met you. I’m glad that you’re here. I’m glad that we got tickets. I’m glad that she’s okay. I’m glad that we broke up. I’m glad that this worked out. 이것이 잘 진행되어서 기뻐요. I’m glad that we talked about this. I’m glad that you found your money. I’..
#35 Proper Conduct 2 Key Word follow (someone's) lead: do as someone else does I follow my boss’s lead for working time; I wait until he leaves before I go home. dig (something) up: find something after extensive searching Even after googling the client, I was not able to dig up much information. look into ~: research facts about something Once Ted developed his business plan, he looked into getting a new license. t..
#1 I'm afraid that Dialogue A: What’s the matter? B: I’m afraid that I forgot my wallet. A: That’s okay! I’ll pay the bill. B: I’ll pay you back tomorrow. Example I’m afraid that we’ll be late. I’m afraid that you’re wrong. I’m afraid that we can’t make it. I’m afraid that he’ll leave me. I’m afraid that this won’t work. I’m afraid that I’m going to fail. I’m afraid that my dog ran away. I’m afraid that I forgot m..
#34 Proper Conduct 1 Key Word daunting: something difficult to deal with; intimidating. intimidate: 협박하다 I have got to say, dinner with the CEO is a little daunting. work your way: move somewhere slowly and with difficulty You do not have to. Just start from the outside and work your way in. keep (something) rolling: cause something that is in progress to continue All right, I can do that. Let us keep the advice rol..
#33 Getting Some Help 2 Key Word give (someone) a hand: help, aid, or assist someone Do you mind giving me a hand? I need help finishing this report. look right: have the correct appearance; be accurate. 부정적인 언어와 같이 많이 쓰인다. I do not know if it is the grammar or the vocabulary, but something just does not look right. come up with~: suggest or thing of an idea or plan After a productive brainstorming session, the team ca..
#32 Getting Some Help 1 Key Word What can I say instead: rather than; as an alternative to what someone is going to say I could not come up with anything else. What can I say instead? valediction: a word or phrase of farewell used to end a letter or message. the closing words. Yeah, but you might want to change the valediction. look forward to: feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen Try sendin..
#31 What Happened? 2 Key Word get (one's) hopes up: be overly optimistic about an outcome. 보통 부정어랑 같이 많이 쓰인다. 기대하게 하지마~ 느낌으로. I would not get your hopes up over a raise. Financially, the comapny has had a horrible yet. Don't get her hopes up. have a look: examine something to find the problem Your computer crashed again? Let me have a look; I might be able to fix it. nip (something) in the bud: stop a potential prob..
Apache Superset에서 권한 설정 권한 설정 권한 설정에 대한 공식 문서는 아래 페이지 참조 https://superset.apache.org/docs/security/ Security | Superset Roles superset.apache.org 권한 설정이 있어서, Admin용과 View용 권한을 따로 설정할 수 있다. 우측 상단의 Settings > List Roles를 선택하면, 아래와 같이 Role을 관리할 수 있다. 기본적으로 제공하는 권한은 Admin, Public, Alpha, Gamma, sql_lab 이다. Admin 관리자 권한 모든 권한을 가지고 있다. Alpha Dashboard, Charts, Datasets 메뉴를 이용할 수 있다. SQL Lab은 사용 불가능하다. 모든 Datasource에 접근 가능하다...