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#64 Business Trip Preparations 2 Key Word reverse: opposite to what has just happened, or to what is usual or expected Their new program intended to increase sales had the reverse effect. out of place: not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation She felt out of place, so she left the party early. the best of one’s ability: as well as one can Alex finished the report to the best of his ability. get the ball rolling: do so..
#63 Business Trip Preparations 1 Key Word fly direct: have a flight which includes one or more stops but does not involve a change of aircraft I always fly direct because I do not want to transfer to a different plane. airport pickup: pickup service provided by a tour operator or hotel to its customers traveling from and airport Our hotel offers airport pickup. complimentary: if tickets, products, services, etc. are complimenta..
#62 Sharing Ideas 2 Key Word subordinate: having a lower or less important position My subordinate always shares interesting ideas. take into account: consider or remember something when judging a situation The marketing team should always take into account the customers’ changing needs. time consuming: taking a lot of or too much time Repairs can be too time consuming and expensive. get one’s act together: start t..
git add, commit and push
Unit tests vs. Staging vs. Production
#61 Sharing Ideas 1 Key Word approach: If you approach someone, you meet or communicate directly with that person I will approach my team leader about an emergency leave. old-fashioned: not modern; belonging to or typical of a time in the past The manager noticed that our brochure seems a little old-fashioned. It seems a little old-fashioned for our target customer. Perhaps we should think about... : 의견을 정중히 제시할 때 ..
#60 Conducting Meetings 2 Key Word seek out: try to discover someone or something We must seek out appropriate locations for our new branches. pros and cons: the positive (pros) and negative (cons) aspects of something What are the pros and cons of changing our market strategy? come up with: devise or produce something. 생각해내다 The advertising team came up with an interesting campaign for our new product. meeting minutes: ..
#59 Conducting Meetings 1 Key Word first off: a phrase used to introduce the first topic one wants to address. 우선 First off, I would like to introduce you to our new member. look over: examine or inspect something Please look over page 2 of my report. refer to: to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few words Could everyone please refer to the graph on page 2 of our report? Whose...is it? Whoos..
#58 Opening and Brainstorming 2 Key Word throw out: produce something such as ideas or questions in large quantities Members of the team must throw out their ideas during the meeting. set the record straight: make the true facts known and correct a misunderstanding I need to set the record straight about what happened at the last meeting. read between the lines: try to understand someone’s true feelings about what they write o..
SLF4J의 Log파일로 인한 서버의 Disk 공간 부족 문제 발생; Logback의 RollingFile 설정 문제 서버의 disk 공간 사용량이 90%를 넘겼다는 에러 메세지를 받았다. 문제 원인 서버에서 로그를 쌓는 폴더 중 용량이 큰 걸 찾아봤더니, access log 파일 폴더였다. 현재 2023년 4월이니, 2022년 8월부터 현재까지 8개월치의 로그가 쌓여있었다. 문제 해결 Logback에서 RollingFile을 설정하여 자동으로 주기적으로 로그가 삭제되도록 설정을 추가하기로 했다. SLF4j와 Logback SLF4j는 가장 오래된 프레임워크이며 Apache 의 Java 기반 Logging Framework다. Logback은 log4j 이후에 출시된 Java 기반 Logging Framework 중 하나로 가장 널리 사용되고 있다. SLF4j 의 구현체이며 Spring Boot 환경이라면 별도의 ..