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영어/Business English

#119 Leaving a Message 2

Key Word

have something p.p. : p.p. 가 가운데 something을 수식.

I have my car washed at that new place by the station.

We have a pizza delivered yesterday.

I will have my coats cleaned soon. 


I appreciate __________.

I’d appreciate it if __________.

I appreciate your honesty.

I appreciate your support.

I appreciate your patience.

I appreciate your taking time to review my report.

I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what time you can come.


__________, just to be sure.

Maybe you should double-check, just to be sure.

I will try all the wrong ones before, just to be sure.

I always proofread my own work, just to be sure.


file: 제출하다

Call and leave a message to a customer service representative to file a complaint.


one-off: 일회성

It was just a one-off; it won’t happen again.



Original: I'm really busy to solve the problems with my team members. 

Better: I was really busy solving the problems with my team members. 


Original: Tomorrow there is not any compensate for us. 

Better: omorrow, there will be no compensation for us. 


Original: I prefer texting for communication because I don't need to watch who I don't like.

Better:  I prefer texting for communication because I don't need to speak to people I don't like.

'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

#121 Making Arrangements 2  (0) 2023.10.12
#120 Making Arrangements 1  (0) 2023.10.12
#118 Leaving a Message 1  (0) 2023.10.02
#117 Prospecting the Future 2  (0) 2023.09.23
#116 Prospecting the Future 1  (0) 2023.09.23