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영어/Business English

#117 Prospecting the Future 2

Key Word

That is one of the reasons ____________

That is one of the reasons we crave chocolate sometimes. crave: 갈망하다.

That is one of the reason men love going out for a drink after work.

That is one of the reason my team always comes up with a good performance. come up with: ~을 생산하다.


_____ soon after _____.

I got a decent job soon after graduation.

It is unacceptable to leave a job soon after you started.

The material should be distributed to the participants soon after the metting.


_____ heading to/for _____.

I am heading to the pub for a beer after work.

I was heading to the coast when you calle med last night.

We are heading for the movies after we finished the class.


Original: He lives here almost 23 years.

Better: He has lived here for almost 23 years.


Original: The major competitor of my company is Kakao Talk. We tried to dominate Korea, but the result was failed

Better: My company's major competitor is Kakao Talk. We treid to dominate Korea, but we failed.


Original: We are trying to improve the qualities of the messaging app.he messaging app.

Better: We are trying to improve the quality of the mssaging app.

'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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