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#135 Career & Success 2 Key Word meticulous: very careful and with great attention to every detail. 꼼꼼함 Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book. expedite: make something happen more quickly. speed up과 유사 Something needs to be done to expedite the process. autonomous: independent and able to make one’s own decisions. 자율성 The company’s divisions, which have been largely autonomous up to now, ..
#134 Career & Success 1 Key Word call the shots: be in the position of being able to make the decisions that will influence a situation. 명령하다. 지휘하다. My supervisor often calls the shots regarding decisions or rules his subordinates must follow. I'll call the shots. 내가 결정한다. (권위있는 표현) big mouth 시끄럽게 떠드는 사람. 입이 가벼운 사람 You have such a big mouth! 너 진짜 입 너무 가벼워! (be) pressed for time money: be in a difficult situation becaus..
Jenkins에서 SonarQube Execution Failure 문제 Jenkins에서 CI를 하는데 아래와 같은 Execution Failrue가 났다. ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution ERROR: org/sonar/batch/bootstrapper/EnvironmentInformation has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 에러 메세지를 보아선 SonarQube Scanner exceution을 하는 동안, JAVA 버전으로 인해 에러가 발생한 거..
값을 변경했는 데 computed 내 관련 메소드가 동작하지 않을 때, Vue.set을 사용하자 문제 Kendo라는 UI 프로그램과 Vue를 이용해 화면 기능을 구현하는 프로젝트였다. 아래와 같이 Conent를 선택해서, Add 버튼을 누르면 아래 Grid로 이동해야 된다. selected된 항목들을 바로 계산할 수 있도록 아래와 같이 computed를 사용했다. allContentGridData는 상위 Grid에 노출되는 Data이다. computed: { selectedDataItems () { return this.allContentGridData.filter(item => item.selected === true) } } checkbox를 클릭할 때마다 selectedDateItems가 실행될 거라 생각하고, checkBox 선택 시 onSelectionChange 메소드가 실행되도록 하였다..
#133 Global Business Success 2 Key Word By the time _______________ ~할 때쯤, ~할 때까지 By the time he finished the first project, he had received a huge paycheck. By the time you are done working, I will already be gone. By the time he’s up and ready, all the best food will be gone call it a day: to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough ~을 그만하기로 하다, 끝내다. 더 이상 하고 싶지 않거나, 이미 충분히..
#132 Global Business Success 1 Key Word get down to brass tacks: start talking about the most important or basic facts of a situation. 이제 본론 시작하지. get down to the business; begin to get serious; get down to work 와 유사. We have wasted too much time on chatting. Let us get down to brass tacks. brass tacks = 핵심을 의미함. a top-notch: excellent; of very good quality The most important aspect of giving a top-notch presentation is to be..
#131 Different Communication Styles 2 Key Word Did you hear __________? Did you hear the news about the bankers? Did you hear what the boss did? Did you hear that we are getting iPads __________ views someone/something as __________. Everyone views my sister as sweet and fragile. My boss still views me as very young and green. The student views school as being pertinent to her future life. pertinent: 관련있는. related와 유사. __________ ch..
#130 Different Communication Styles 1 Key Word bum out: sad or discouraged Everybody was totally bummed out because I was not there. play favorites: give preferable treatment to someone or something one likes or favors more than others 편애하다. Sarah always thought her boss played favorites and that she was always chosen for the great tasks. widened one’s horizons: increase the range of one’s knowledge, understanding, or experience Thi..
#129 Understanding Cultural Diversity 2 Key Word Now that _______________. becuase, since와 달리 새로운 상황이 시작되어서 설명할 때 사용. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for the meeting. 너가 여기 왔으니, 회의에 참석하는 것이 좋습니다. Now that you mention it, I did see a strange man outside. Now that you’ve gotten a promotion, what are you going to do first? It isn’t necessary to _______________. It isn’t necessary to be perfect in order to be successful. It ..
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