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#24 Navigating Your Area 1 Key Word not quite: not completely or entirely Not quite, you will have to walk past some workstations. you can't miss: used to say that it is impossible not to see or notice something The only place to go is right. Do not worry, you can not miss it. alight from: get down from, or get off of something Alight from the elevator and turn right. Excuse me, Could you tell me where the restroom is? Ex..
#23 It's Time! 1 Key Word get off: leave work with permission, usually at the end of the day When do you usually get off? half-past: 30 minutes later than a particular hour We will end our meeting at half-past five. 5시 30분 quarter to~: 15 minutes before the stated hour Let us end our meeting around quater to six time off: a time or period when you are not required to work I had a time off around this time of the..
#22 Breaking The Ice 2 Key Word need a boost: need energy or motivation A shot of espresso is always helpful when you need a boost of energy. take a power nap: get short, restful sleep When I am too tired to focust, I take a 15-minute power nap and I am ready to go. can't even eimagine: used for emphasizing that something is very difficult to imagine, understand, etc. I can not even imagine how you are able to functio..
#21 Breaking The Ice 1 Key Word gadget: a small device or machine with a particular purpose We had to use these gadgets called calculators. I don't believe... I don't believe we've met. 우리 만난 적 없는 거 같은데요.I don't believe I've seen you before. Looks like I'm not the only one who... Looks like I'm not the only one who forgot an umbrella. Looks like I'm not the only one who needs energy. Not only... but... Not only did we..
#20 If Only I had Done More 2 Key Word You can tell~: able to identify or recognize something Look at the bags under his eyes. You can tell he has not slept well. You can tell he might be frustrated. You can tell he doesn't feel weel. I had a busy day at work. Yeah, I can tell you look tired. bring something to the table: offer a benefit Our partners all bring something to the table and we value their unique contributions. n..
#19 If Only I had Done More 1 Key Word I wish I could have p.p.: used for saying that something was possible in the past, even though it did not happen. I wish I could have helped him. severance package: money that a company pays to a worker who is forced to leave because they are no longer needed. 퇴직금 And she would not have gotten such a great severance package. Feedback Original: Every Friday, I had a party. Better: I have..
#18 Informed Consumers 2 Key Word look the part: have an appearance or style of dress appropriate to a particular role or situation. ~에 딱 어울리다If you are going to be a successful businessman, you have got to look the part. might as well: used to suggest doing something, often when there is nothing better to do. 차라리 ~한게 낫다.If you are going to give everyone a bonus, you might as well give one to yourself. which is which: u..
#17 Informed Consumers 1 Key Word a bit of everything: a small amount of something A bit of everything, I am just starting at a new position. pleated: having narrow folds of cloth made by pressing or sewing two parts of the cloth together All right, pleated or flat front? Feedback Original: My brother goes to vist the Peru. He goes back to LA again to study. Better: My brother went to visit Peru, then he went back to LA..
#16 Business Luncheon? 2 Key Word It's on me: I will pay the bill Put yoru wallet away; tonight is on me! split the bill: equally share the payment of the bill Do not bother counting every item on the bill; let us just split it. get someone's attention: attract someone's interest I would really like another drink. See if you can get the waiter's attention. ring up ~: record items being bought and calculate the cost, usi..
#15 Business Luncheon? 1 Key Word come with: be provided together with something And it comes with a curried rice dish that is a specialty of the house. side of: an additional food served with the main food in a meal I would like a side of French fries with that. Feedback Original: I think he was in hurry or work. Better: I think he was in a hurry, and needed to get back to work. Original: Usually with side dish. Better..