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영어/Business English

#15 Business Luncheon? 1 Key Word come with: be provided together with something And it comes with a curried rice dish that is a specialty of the house. side of: an additional food served with the main food in a meal I would like a side of French fries with that. Feedback Original: I think he was in hurry or work. Better: I think he was in a hurry, and needed to get back to work. Original: Usually with side dish. Better..
#14 How’s the Jet Lag? 2 Key Word come across as~ : appear or seem like something that you are not Shirley comes across as arrogant, but she is actually very timid. be instrumental in: have a critical role in something Steve Jobs was instrumental in the success of his company. handle: successfully deal with something The way you handled that situation really showed how well you understood the problem. get a feel for~: h..
#13 How’s the Jet Lag? 1 Key Word rustle: the sound made by the movement of things such as leaves or paper The guy next to me kept rustling his newspaper while he read. can’t fault you: blame someone Cannot fault you for that. How did he handle it? take up: fill a particular amount of space or time I was really unhappy with him taking up the entire tray between our seats. jet lag: a tired and unpleasant feeling that you..
#12 Future Endeavors 2 Key Word line something up: prepare or organize something, especially an opportunity Sorry to hear you got laid off. Do you have any interviews lined up? future endeavors: things you will do in the future It was a pleasure doing business with you. Best of luck in your future endeavors. plan something out: make detailed plans for doing something We had better plan things out carefully if we are g..
#11 Future Endeavors 1 Key Word head to: go in a particular direction Yeah, I heard he is heading to Dubai. Dialogue A: Do you know what Tom has lined up for tomorrow? B: Yeah, I heard he’s heading to Dubai. C: Ms. Smith, I have Tom Hall on line 1 for you. C: Hello again, would you like me to have Mr. Hall call back? B: No, I’m going to get it. I’m sure he doesn’t mind holding a bit. Feedback Original: I met my old co..
#10 Talking Over the Phone 2 Key Word touch base with : contact someone, especially for updates Hi Anne! I just wanted to call and touch base with you on your upcoming visit. cover a topic : discuss a topic Between price and delivery time, I think we have covered everything. Thanks for your call. go back to : talk to someone again after finding out certain information Sorry, I am not sure how many units we have in stock. Le..
#9 Talking Over the Phone 1 Key Word work for: be appropriate for someone Does that work for your schedule? have something on: have plans to do something at a particular point in time Actually, I have something on this Monday, but I am free on Tuesday. shoot: begin talking (often used in the imperative) I know you have something to tell me, so shoot! Dialogue A: I’m calling from Mr Clark’s office to touch base with you abo..
#8 Finding Time 2 Key Word through the regular channels : the typical or expected method of doing things I got the new job through the regular channels. double book : make two reservations for the same time slot. It looks like I double booked myself and have to cancel. I have a meeting at that time. pencil someone in : schedule an appointment that is not 100% certain Pencil me in for Tuesday and I will call later..
#7 Finding Time 1 Key Word put someone down : record someone in a particular way. Ouch! Okay, put me down for 2:00 pm. don’t mention it! : said to be polite someone has thanked you A: Thanks for your help. B: Do not mention it. What’s your schedule like..? : This is used formally when finding a meeting time. What’s your schedule like tomorrow? = What are you doing tomorrow? (informal, to friend) = What are you up..
#6 Crunching Numbers 2 Dialogue A: Hey Beth, just talked to Lynn. B: Great, so what did she say? Any more layoffs? A: She sidestepped the issue a bit, but last quarter was promising. B: At least that’s a step in the right direction. I worked twice as many hours last month to help turn things around. A: Come on. B: Seriously! A: Well, you usually work half as hard as everyone else, so I guess it works out. B: Whatever,..