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영어/Business English

#47 Dealing with Conflicts 2

Key Word

dog-eat-dog: used to describe a situation in which people will do anything to be successful

(골육상쟁하듯) 치열하게 다투는, 냉혹하게 사리사욕을 추구하는, 인정사정없는

It is a dog-eat-dog world out there, some people will even betray a friend to succeed.

Paper business is dog eat dog.


at all costs: no matter the risks or difficulties

어떤 희생을 치르더라도, 기어코

We have to finish this report tonight at all costs.


get on the good side of: win someone’s approval

~에게 호감을 얻다.

Jack wants to get promoted, so he has been trying his hardest to get on the good side of our boss.


Case Preview

You have been at your company for two years. Recently, you have been assigned a big project and as a result, your workload has nearly doubled. You feel that you have no personal time and are feeling very stressed. You are unsure how much longer you will be able to keep working in your position You have a very close relationship with your team leader. Ask for advice on how to manage your stress and workload.



Original: He is studying mathematics at New York.

Better: He is studying mathematics in New York.


Original: I usually relieve my stress by eating delicious foods like sweet, and also I drink alcohols like whiskey.

Better: I usually relieve my stress by eating delicious foods like sweets, and I also like to drink alcohols like wiskey.


Original: I'm get not healthy food more often.

Better: I'm not eating healthy food as often.


Original: That make me sad.

Better: That makes me sad.


Original: Some colleagues in the company are dog eat dog to get the promotion.

Better: Some colleagues in the company are dog eat dog to get promotions.


Original: I bought some gifts for the customer becasue I have to get on the good side of the customer.

Better: I bought some gifts for the customer because I have to get on their good side.


Original: I think sometimes conflict is necessary to protect me.

Better: I think sometimes conflict is necessary to protect myself.


Original: Sometimes I ask him to reassign the work because I'm doing much work than others.

Better: Sometimes I ask him to reassign the work because I'm doing more work than others.

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