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영어/Business English

#5 Crunching Numbers 1

Key Word

drag on : continue for longer than you want or think is necessary.

Those things can drag on forever.


in the right direction : progressing sensibly

The numbers suggest we are moving in the right direction.


lucky you : used to show that you think somebody is lucky to have something, be able to do something.

A: I am off to Paris. 

B: Lucky you!



A: Hey, so, how was the meeting?

B: Not bad. It was relatively short.

A: Lucky you, those things can drag on forever. 


A: Last quarter we finally turned the corner.

B: Nice. So my question is, “What does that mean for layoffs?”

A: They didn’t go into great detail, but don’t worry, the numbers suggest we’re moving in the right direction.



Original: I think the place it looks like a meeting room, and they are gathered together for something discussed.

Better: I think they are in a meeting room, and they are gathered together to discuss something.


Original: I think they are discussing about the sales because I can see some graph in the report you can on the desk.

Better: I think they are discussing something about sales because I can see a report with a graph in it, sitting on a desk.


Original: The salary of the software developer is a large amount.

Better: Software developers in Korea have a very good salary.


'영어 > Business English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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