영어/Business English

#152 Strategic Analysis 1

MJ.Lee 2024. 1. 8. 20:25

Key Word

go around in circles: keep doing or talking about the same thing without achieving anything

I need some more data to work on; otherwise, I am just going around in circles.


childhood friend: 소꿉친구


kick-off meeting: gathering of interested parties to discuss a plan or strategy before launching a program or project. 회사 혹은 단체의 첫 공식적인 회의

The kick-off meeting involved both strengthening team ties and brainstorming new goals and actions for the next three to five years.


data-driven strategy: making strategic decisions based on data analysis and interpretation

Another name for a data-driven strategy is analytics and number-crunching.


ahead of the curve: at the forefront of or leading in something, such as a developing situation, field of study or business, social development, etc

forefront: 맨앞, 선두

To be a market leader, you must make it your goal to be ahead of the curve.


run a pilot program: the act of testing something. 출시 전에 방송, 프로그램 등을 테스트용으로 실시함.

We have been running a pilot program for the last couple of years.


articulate a strategy: establishes a strong foundation on which to develop core processes, organizational structure, workforce capability, and management systems

articulate: 생각 감정 등을 분명히 표현하다.

One of the main functions of a CEO is to articulate a strategy for the entire company.


A: You know, these days we just seem to go around in circles with our strategies. 

B: I think we need a new template that combines a data-driven strategy with a unique vision.


A: First, we should start with a strong kick-off meeting to get new ideas and outline the basics. Then we shouldn’t be afraid to hone and modify the strategy along the way.

hone: 연마하다. (도구를 날카롭게) 갈다

B: Sure, up-to-date feedback and responses are crucial. We never want to be out-of-touch with the market, but we also want to be ahead of the curve.

out-of-touch: 동떨어져 있는


A: Well, ideally, we want to create the curve, but that would take some ambitious moves. So, before we get too deeply involved in any project, we should run a few pilot programs.

B: Great idea. Then we could simulate those markets to forecast and make some predictions.


A: Exactly, once we know what we are handling, then we can validate some decisions.

B: Great, sounds like we need the perfect combination of aspirational thinking set against core concrete goals.

aspirational: 출세지향적인, 야망있는


A: Yep, you might call it: Hope & Realism.

B: Hmm. . . that could be our internal tag for this next campaign! Good word choice!



Original: I'm preparing the trip to New York and also got the allowance; my leader allowed me to travel to there. 

Better: I'm preparing for the trip to New York, and I also got some time off; my leader approved my leave so I can go on the trip.


Original: I expect that there was no work. 

Better: No one will be working during that time.


Original: How many your brothers and sisters you have? 

Better: How many brothers and sisters do you have?


Original: We usually collect the preference of individual preference because we want to show the individual advertisement to the customers. 

Better: We usually collect individual preferences in order to show individual advertisements to customers.